The 3d.fab platform was initiated in 2015 within the Institute of Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry and Biochemistry (ICBMS-UMR5246) at the University of Lyon 1. It was created with the aim of developing applied and fundamental additive manufacturing projects, primarily in the field of health. From the beginning, 3d.FAB specialized in the printing of living tissues, implantable materials (polymers, and biomaterials), as well as in the development of additive manufacturing processes and the study and understanding of material behavior during these processes.

Over its life-time, the platform has developed its technological expertise by integrating different methodologies adapted to biomedical applications :

  • Rheology
  • Numerical simulation
  • Tissue culture
  • Bioprocesses
  • Mechanical measurements

Thanks to this technological variety, 3d.FAB has been able to engage in increasingly ambitious projects with academic and industrial partners, both national and international.