FASSIL : Fabrication Additive pour la Santé – nouveaux matériaux SILicone
The FUI FASSIL project, piloted by Elkem Silicones, aims to make silicone elastomers pass the course of additive manufacturing in order to allow healthcare players to access new materials via custom manufacturing and innovation methods and to demand, while remaining economically competitive. Heart and prostate models incorporating a preoperative approach, as well as personalized larynx implants will be developed and validated by consortium members and with the help of surgeons. The prototypes resulting from the project will go into the industrialization phase from 2019.
To go further :
Printing in support medium enables the holding without collapse of soft materials widely used in medical applications. The formulation and rheology of the hydrogel used as a support medium has to be optimized in order to achieve high printing resolutions, reducing fluid and interfacial instabilities between the materials.
C. S. O’Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Hart, C. P. Kabb, K. D. Schulze, I. Chilakala, B. S. Sumerlin, W. G. Sawyer, T. E. Angelini, Science Advances 2017, 3, e1602800.
Partners : Elkem Silicones (porteur du projet) ; Creaplast Medical ; Protip Medical ; Setup Performances ; Statice ; TIMC-IMAG et IMP (laboratoires académiques)