BLOC-PRINT : Chirurgie assistée par bio-impression : peau et cartilage
The BLOC-PRINT project aims to address the problem of the availability of autologous grafts (from the host to be grafted) in the field of restorative medicine, especially for skin and cartilage grafting. The differentiating approach of the project is the use of 3D printing of cells from biopsies to create new tissues that can be used as autologous grafts.
The patients involved here are victims of trauma from fire, civil accidents and military explosions. Also concerned are sports professionals and trades that are in high demand, such as personnel from the field.
The project will carry out feasibility studies (TRL3) and demonstration (TRL5) of tools and processes for producing re-implantable tissues using 3D bio-printing.
The two main deliverables of the project are:
- Printing of dermis / epidermis directly on animal model (pig) thanks to an automated arm equipped with a bio-extruder.
- The impression of cartilages and their implantation in the small animal (rat).
Partners: HCL Hospices Civils de Lyon, LabSkin Creations et IMoPA Ingénierie Moléculaire et Physiopathologie Articulaire