Christophe MARQUETTE. Matériaux et procédés pour applications médicales. 1ere rencontre annuelle du GDR réparer l’humain. 12-14 décembre 2023, France.
Christophe MARQUETTE. 3D Bioprinting for tissue engineering. Séminaire Master. 13-17 novembre 2023, France.
Laura CHASTAGNIER, Julia NIEMANN, Magali BARBAROUX, David POLLARD, Oscar REIF, Christophe MARQUETTE, Emma PETIOT. 3D bioprinted cellular structures for universal production of therapeutics. International Conference on Biofabrication.17-20 septembre 2023, Saskatoon, Canada.
Carlos CHOCARRO-WRONA, Magali BARBAROUX, Christophe MARQUETTE, Emma PETIOT. On-demand hydrogel microcarrier production by ink-jet bioprinting for stem cell scalable suspension culture. International Conference on Biofabrication.17-20 septembre 2023, Saskatoon, Canada.
Emma PETIOT, Laura CHASTAGNIER, Sarah PRAGNERE, Julien LEBOTERFF, Kleanthis MAZARAKI, Timo SCHIMIDBERGER, Alexandre DUFOUR, Simon LAMBERT, Julia NIEMANN, Magali BARBAROUX, Christophe MARQUETTE. Large-scale 3D bioprinted tissue cultivation : The next generation of bioprocesses. International Conference on Biofabrication.17-20 septembre 2023, Saskatoon, Canada.
Alexandre DUFOUR, Radu BOLBOS, Valernst GILMUS, Simon LAMBERT, Vincent SALLES, Christophe MARQUETTE. Exploring the non-destructive volumetric analysis of hybrid synthetic-biological cartilage constructs. International Conference on Biofabrication.17-20 septembre 2023, Saskatoon, Canada.
Alexandre DUFOUR, Aravind ANANDAN, Emma PETIOT, Isabelle GAY, Magali BARBAROUX, Christophe MARQUETTE. Confined biofabrication in inflatable bioreactor: toward the sterile production of implantable tissues and organs. International Conference on Biofabrication.17-20 septembre 2023, Saskatoon, Canada.
Chloe TECHENS, Amira Ben HASSINE, Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL, David EGLIN, Stéphane AVRIL. What collagen hydrogel for optimal mechanobiology of 3D encapsullated smooth muscle cells ? 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics. 09-12 juillet 2023, Maastricht, Pays-Bas.
Emma PETIOT. 3D cell culture & Bioprocess. Summer school 2023. Uppsala, Suède.
Christophe MARQUETTE. 3D Bioprinting and tissue engineering. Bioprinting. 20 juin, Uppsala, Suède.
Lucie ESSAYAN, Emma PETIOT, Christophe MARQUETTE. Histologie pour les modèles de tissu in-vitro bioimprimés en 3D. Congrès annuel de l’association française d’histologie. 15-16 juin 2023, France.
Chloe TECHENS, Amira Ben HASSINE, Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL, David EGLIN, Stéphane AVRIL. Design of a collagen hydrogel with embedded smooth muscle cells for the 3D study of cell-matrix interactions. Summer Biomechanics Bioengineering and biotransport Conference. 04-08 juin 2023, USA.
Marjorie DUFAUD, Emeline PERRIER-GROULT, Christophe MARQUETTE, Christian JORGENSEN, Danièle NOËL. Extrusion-based 3D Bioprinting of Composite Hydrogels for Joint Tissue Engineering. Journée BIOMAT. 02-03 mai 2023, France.
Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL. Silicone additive manufacturing for medical devices. Journée réseau fabrication additive. 01 février 2023, France.
Christophe MARQUETTE. Bioimpression sur la plateforme 3d.FAB. Journée Mateis, la Fabrication additive et ses impacts : Discussion de l’analyse autour du cycle de vie (ACV). 14 décembre 2022, France.
Emma PETIOT. Innovative technological platform. GDR Organoïdes. 01 décembre 2022, France.
Emma PETIOT. 3D Innovation Lab. Journée Gembas. 2022, France.
Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL, Emma PETIOT, Aravind ANANDAN. Development and validation of a bioreactor coupled online rheology tool to describe the full viscoelastic spectrum and stimulate a bioprinted tissue. GDR « réparer l’humain ». 21 novembre 2022, France.
Emma PETIOT. 3D Bioprinting : cell culture & Bioprocess. 3rd Esact Frontiers Retreat. 2022, France.
Mehdi MALEKI, Emma PETIOT, Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL. How to evaluate the physiological response of cells faced with hydrodynamic stress ? International Conference on Biofabrication. 25-28 septembre 2022, Montecatini, Italie.
DUFOUR, J. ARDUENGO GARCIA, J.Y. HASCOËT, L. VIDAL, V. VUILLET-a-CILES, V. SALLES, C. MARQUETTE. Integrating aspiration-assisted bioprinting and near-field electrospinning for tissue engineering. International Conference on Biofabrication. 25-28 septembre 2022, Montecatini, Italie.
Meigge SIMOES, Christophe MARQUETTE, Charles DUMONTET. Bioprinted breast tumour models sensitivity to anti-HER2 antibodies. International Conference on Biofabrication. 25-28 septembre 2022, Montecatini, Italie.
Christophe MARQUETTE. 3D Bioprinting : in vitro model, implantable bioink and intraoperative methods. 32 Annual conference of the european society for Biomaterials, France.
3D bioprinted cellular structure for universal production of therapeutics : the next generation of biopharmaceutical production process. 27th ESACT meeting. 26-29 juin, Lisbonne, Portugal.
Caroline EBEL, Michèle KLEIN, Solène ZEHNACKER, Sandrine COCHIN, Anita SPINDLER, Emma PETIOT, Christophe MARQUETTE, Jean-Marc BALLOUL, Philippe ERBS, Cécile ZAUPA. Caracterisation histologique de modeles 3D tumoraux humains issus de bio-impression. AFH. Juin2022, Marseille.
Emma PETIOT, Laurent DUROUS, Manuel ROSA-CALATRAVA, Christophe MARQUETTE. On-Line influenza virus quantification for viral production processes thanks to affinity-based surface plasmon resonance biosensor. Vaccine technology conference. Juin 2022, Barcelone, Espagne.
Emma PETIOT. 3D Bioprinting & Bioprocess : The next generation of cell culture process. Oniris Nantes, 2021, France.
Christophe MARQUETTE. Reconstruction Tissulaire : « De la forme à la fonction : Prochaines étapes de la Bioimpression 3D ». Semaine Collaborative LyonBiopole. 11-15 octobre 2021, France.
Julien LEBOTERFF. La fabrication Additive dans le contexte du développement durable. Journée de Travail Axelera. 05/10/2021, France.
Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL, Emma PETIOT, Laura CHASTAGNIER, Lucas LEMARIE, Aravind ANANDAN. Bioinspired Hydrogels for Regenerative Medicine. Maastricht.
Christophe MARQUETTE. Biofabrication. International Conference Biofabrication. 27-29 septembre 2021, Australie.
Christophe MARQUETTE, Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL, Emma PETIOT, Arthur COLLY, Alix LOPEZ. Soft Material 3D Printing : healthcare applications. Conférence Innovation technologique 3D en santé. 28 juin 2021, France.
Edwin-Joffrey COURTIAL. Prototyping and design. Techtera-fabric additive workshop. 09 mars 2021, France.
3d.FAB. Bioprinting. Séminaire CRCL. 02 mars 2021, France.
Christophe MARQUETTE. Bioprinting Technologies. Seminar-master embryologie. 2021, France.
Arthur Colly, Tailored yield stress behavior for fluid materials 3D printing by FRESH technique. Congrès International de Rhéologie (ICR). 14/12/2020, Brésil
Célia Halimi. Impression 3D de dispositifs médicaux. ACOPHRA 3D, 24/09/2020, France
Edwin-Joffrey Courtial. Taking advantage from 3D printing including Bioprinting. S3MartMed, 25/06/2020, France
Christophe Marquette. 3D au service de la santé, quelles applications ?. Nephroclass, 19/03/2020, France
Christophe Marquette. Bioimpression et application santé. Comité Scientifique INSIS, 30/01/2020, France
Christophe Marquette. Embryologie, cellules souches et thérapie cellulaire. Master RB15, 20/02/2020, France
Edwin-Joffrey Courtial, Céline Mandon, Chloé Devillard, Arthur Colly and Christophe Marquette, 3D printing and formulation , Formulation Days, January 11, 2019, France
Christophe Marquette, 3D Bioprinting of adipose tissue: towards a tri-layered full-skin equivalent, Journées Européennes de Dermocosmétologie, January 31, 2019, France
Céline Mandon, Chloé Devillard, Arthur Colly and Christophe Marquette, 4D printing chemiluminescent printed biosensors. European Biosensor Symposium, February 20, 2019, Italy
Marjorie Dufaud, Coralie Durieux, Christophe Marquette, Sabine Beaumel, Cédric Chaveroux, Kamel Chettab, Cédric Duret, Charles Dumontet, Serge Manié. Development of New in vitro Tumor Models using 3D Bioprinting, Application to breast and lung cancers. Cancer Cells On-Chip State of the Art and Future Developments, March 29, 2019, France
Christophe Marquette. 3D Bioprinting techniques. Bioconstruction module – ED tissue engineering, 04-avr-19, France
Christophe Marquette. Bioprinting: bioinks and tissue 3D printing. Séminaire Bioprinting, 08-avr-19, France
Edwin-Joffrey Courtial, Emma Petiot, Christophe Marquette, Arthur Colly. Biomaterial properties to protect cells in 3D bioprinting. BioMat 2019, 08, 09/05/2019, Allemagne
Arthur Colly, Edwin Courtial, Christophe Marquette. Nouveau milieu contraint auto-cicatrisant et suspendant pour l’impression 3D de matériaux fluides. GFR 2019, oct-19, France
Chloé Devillard, Christophe Marquette. Ingénierie tissulaire : impression 3D. Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Bio-ingénierie Cellulaire et Tissulaire (SFBCT), 05/06/2019, France
Christophe Marquette. Bioimpression et application santé. University Constantine, 12/06/2019, Algérie
Emma Petiot. Bioprocédés. University Constantine, 12/06/2019, Algérie
Christophe Marquette. Bio-impression : techniques, matériaux et applications. Journée d’étude Health & Care Technologies, 19/06/2019, France
Chloé Devillard, Christophe Marquette. Blood vessels 3D bioprinting for tumor-model vascular connections. TERMIS workshop Bioprinting and Cancer research, 25/08/2019, France
Christophe Marquette. 3D Bioprinting of skin and adipose tissue for breast reconstruction. TERMIS workshop Bioprinting and Cancer research, 25/08/2019, France
Christophe Marquette. Bioprinting and inkjet printing hybrid method for tissue engineering. Scienion AND cellenion workshop, 03/09/2019, France
Christophe Marquette, Marion Albouy, Morgan Dos Santos, Sandrine Heraud, Amelie Thepot, Luciano Vidal. 3D Bioprinting of skin and adipose tissue for breast reconstruction. IFATS, 08/12/2019, France
Céline Mandon, Loïc Blum, Christophe Marquette. Ultrahigh resolution 4D printing: chemiluminescent printed biosensors. March 25, 2018, Europtrode, Italia
Christophe Marquette. Bioimpression et santé. Cours ED Hepatinov. March 21, 2018, France
Christophe Marquette. Séminaire C2P2. Impression 3D et bio Mars 29, 2018, France
Jean-Marc Frances, Christophe Marquette. Workshop Lyon-PSE. FASSIL May 18, 2018, France
Christophe Marquette. Gene2Skin Summer School. June 6-8, 2018, Portugal
Léa Pourchet, Christophe Marquette. SelectBio Bioprinting. Biofactory: Bioinks and “organ” Bioprinting June 6-8, 2018, Hollande
Céline Mandon. Biosensors. June 12, 2018, USA
Céline Mandon. EMRS. June 18, 2018, France
Christophe Marquette. Plateforme 3d.FAB : impression pour la santé. Journée recherche HCL Lyon. September 12, 2018, France
Christophe Marquette. 3D bioprinting for organ on a chip. Atelier INSERM OOC, September 16, 2018, France
Chloé Devillard, Edwin-Joffrey Courtial, Emma Petiot, Christophe. Marquette. Routine checking for cells viability in deposition 3D printing. Advanced biomaterial, lOctober 17, 2018, Italy
Chloé Devillard, Christophe Marquette. Bio-impression 3D de vaisseaux sanguins. GDR Réparer l’humain December 07, 2019, France
Amélie Thépot, Morgan Dos Santos, Christophe Marquette. Combined 3D bioprinting of skin and adipose tissue as a promising approach for nipple areola complex and breast volume reconstruction. IFATS, December 10, 2018, USA
Chloé Devillard, Edwin-Joffrey Courtial, Emma Petiot, Christophe Marquette. Routine checking for cells viability in 3D bioprinting. Bioregate, December 17, 2018, France
Christophe Marquette, 3d.FAB platform: 3D printing for life science. 3D Bioprinting Conference, 31 January 2017, Maastricht, The Netherland.
Léa Pourchet, Amélie Thépot, Christophe Marquette. Bioprinting par extrusion. https://webcast.in2p3.fr/container/colloque_innovation_therapeutique_2016. July 7, 2016Journée Innovation thérapeutique 2016
Céline A. Mandon, Jennifer E. Hill, Loïc J. Blum, Christophe Marquette. 3D printing of hydrogels incorporating biomolecules: from cm towards nm. October 27-28, 2016 Nano bio surfaces and interfaces in Health care and Science, Enschede (MESA+)
Léa Pourchet, Amélie Thépot, Loïc Blum Christophe Marquette. Skin equivalent through bioprinting. WBC 2016 (World Biomaterials Congress May 17-22, 2016 ), Montréal
Céline A. Mandon, Loïc J. Blum, Christophe Marquette. Adding biomolecular recognition capability to 3D printed objects: 4D printing. May 25-27, 2016, Biosensors, Gothenburg
Léa Pourchet, Céline Mandon, Amélie Thépot, Loïc Blum, Christophe Marquette. Bio-impression 3D pour la médecine vasculaire. Congrès Société Française de la Médecine Vasculaire, 07 october 2016, France
Léa J. Pourchet, Amélie Thépot, Astrid Pinzano, Christel Henrionnet, Emeline Perrier-Groult, Loïc J. Blum, Christophe A. Marquette. skin and cartilage bioprinting : current advance. Congrès de médecine régénérative october, 24-26, 2016, France
Céline A. Mandon, Jennifer E. Hill, Léa J. Pourchet, Loïc J. Blum, Christophe A. Marquette. 3D printing with biomolecules: from hydrogels to vascular tissue engineering. Congrès de médecine régénérative, october, 24-26, 2016, France
Léa Pourchet, Amélie Thépot, Marion Albouy, Aurélie Boher, Edwin-Joffrey Courtial, Loïc J. Blum, Christophe A. Marquette. Human skin bioprinting using scaffold free approach. November 2016 SPIM , France.
Christophe Marquette, Plateforme 3D FAB : l’apport de la bio-impression 3D/4D. Journée scientifique 3D Skin print, Lyon, France, 7 Juin 2016.
Christophe Marquette, Bio-impression 3D: dépôt de cellules et de biomatériaux. Journée Fibrose, Journée scientifique Labex PRIMES, Lyon, France, 8 Avril 2016.
Céline Mandon, Loïc Blum, Christophe Marquette, Adding biomolecular recognition capability to 3D printed objects: 4D printing. Bioprinting Conference, 26th-27th January 2016, Maastricht.
Léa Pourchet, AmélieThépot, Morgan Dos Santos, A. Boher, Loïc BLUM, Christophe Marquette, Skin equivalent through bioprinting. Bioprinting Conference, 26th-27th January 2016, Maastricht.
Léa Pourchet, Loïc Blum and Christophe Marquette, Plateforme 3D FAB : les substituts cutanés grâce à l’apport de la bio-impression 3D. Colloque BIOMAT 2015, Ile de Ré.
Léa Pourchet, Loïc Blum and Christophe Marquette, Creation of an open-source 3D bioprinter for living cells. International Bioprinting Congress, 9th-10th July 2015, Singapore.
Léa Pourchet, Loïc Blum and Christophe Marquette, Creation of an open-source 3D bioprinter for living cells. Tissue Engineering & Bioprinting, 9th-10th February 2015, Boston (USA).